#22 "Sammy" has just been picked for the Winfield Junior Varsity Volleyball Team!!! Sam Plays 1st base and Pitcher for the Mustangs and has been our leading "Long Ball" hitter with 3 Homeruns for the season! Congratulations Sam!!
While sitting on my bucket I have thoughts from time to time so I figured I would write them down in a private setting such as a Blog so lets just keep them between us, OK! If your interested, click here: http://my-dailywalk.blogspot.com/
From the Bucket: Coach Rin
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This blog is a quick way of telling the world of our players accomplishments...
If you have ANYTHING that you'd like to post concerning their accomplishments, feel free to send it to me and I'll post it for you. Include pictures and the facts surrounding the event and I'll post it as soon as I can. Email pictures and text to garykwray@gmail.com .
Let's show the world that Mustangs are winners on and off the field!
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